Dr. Kezunovic gave a presentation at PSERC, which is available at T&D Webinars. The title of the seminar is “Interoperability Requirements as an Enabler of Smart Grid Integrative Research” and it can be accessed online: [webinar] [slides]. More information is available at PSERC T&D Webinars page.
Category Archives: Blog
The New Substation
Dr. Kezunovic just published an article in Electric Perspectives magazine from EEI:
Depending on the utility’s needs, there are four different design approaches to the substations of the future.
The electricity grid was invented in the 19th century and greatly expanded in the 20th. Recognizing the grid’s complexity and relevance, the National Academy of Sciences declared the electricity system the world’s largest “machine” and placed it at the top of the list of the greatest engineering achievements of the 20th century. The challenge facing electricity systems in future is to maintain the reliable and safe operation of this ever-expanding but already complex machine.
Technological, economic, and societal needs have driven most electricity system developments. And recently, a large emphasis has been placed on the use of renewable energy resources and the electrification of transportation, both affecting future development of the grid. As a result, grid expansion is needed, but the reliability and safety challenges in an interconnected world expand as well. This concern was highlighted over the last decade by several widespread power system failures that had an enormous impact on the economy and livelihoods in both developed and undeveloped countries. Read the entire article.
Data Analytics: Creating Information and Knowledge
The last IEEE Power and Energy Magazine (Sep/Oct 2012) was dedicated to Data Analytics. Here is an excerpt from the introductory article by Dr. Kezunovic:
THE FEATURE ARTICLES IN THIS issue are devoted to the emerging i eld of data analytics, which is a computational capability to extract a cause-effect understanding of power system events. This knowledge gets extracted from field measurements through analytical methods and, in many cases, involves the use of various data and power system models. As it links the cause of an event with its consequence, it may be readily used by operators or in designing controllers to enhance power system operation.
Please visit IEEE Xplore to access the full text.